038 Methoni to Pilos  GPX

50 100 150 200 5 10 15 Distance () ()
No elevation data
Name: No data
Distance: No data
Minimum elevation: No data
Maximum elevation: No data
Elevation gain: No data
Elevation loss: No data
Duration: No data

30 June 2022 off to Pilos. Some call it the ‘velcro’ anchorage. We sailed up with Pasafique and Anthem a fun race in light wind. We went straight to the town quay. It cost us $15 eur for the night which included lots of water. Water fights on the deck with a wash and fill of the tanks. I think we did 10 loads of laundry!

We had been sailing for a while so as per our mandate, we had to go find a beach or ice cream. Well, this was the wrong side of the pilos inlet for a sandy beach…that was to come later…so off to find ice cream. Being tied up is always nice because all we did was walk off the back of the boat. In line with the ‘velcro’ anchorage, it was only a short stroll down the town quay, across the street and you are in the middle of town. A few ice cream shops to choose from.

The town square was so much fun and so close, we went there a couple of times a day. We sat and ate together and when India and Nina wanted to scooter around, they zipped around when they wanted. It was so much fun.

The fun thing about sailing is buddy boating with others. Phil and Lesley from Pacafique were always close by and Phil had an amazing way to always have fun with the kids.

The new day always bring something different when living on INDININI. A new place to tie up, means new things to experience. As soon as we climbed up the stairs and onto the deck, India saw fish under the boat. The water is so clear that we could see fish for a long way off. It didn’t take time before we decided it was time to share breakfast!

After all the tasks were done, the ice cream was eaten and the idea of being tied to land had rubbed off, we left the town quay and headed to the north end of Pilos Bay. There was lots of room and it was an amazing anchorage. Sheltered from the wind and a great beach close…which of course is the most important aspect for India and Nina.

After a beach trip and swim it was time for dinner. This sums up what this life is all about…

India you are a character and I have no idea how you got dots on your face…but it doesn’t matter…you are always cute and we love you!