We haven’t seen each other for months so I miss him badly. The only thing on my mind is to see him and I never really pay too much attention on what we are going to do. 3 days after I leave my job, I am on the plane to Canada. After another 3 days of “resting”, we start our road trip of 9260 km driving from Canada to Mexico City. This is my 1st road trip ever in my whole life given that I don’t know how to drive and I do not need to drive at all in Hong Kong with the robust transportation system. My mind all go to “what is it like to be on a road trip?” instead of “what we need do on road trip?”, “how far the distance is?”, “is it safe in Mexico?” or “will I be sold on the way”. I basically do not have enough time to digest even the 1st question and then the journey now begins…
Copper is laying just right next to the wheel while we are packing for road trip. I am guessing she wants to be alert to every movements we have. SMART!