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August 2023

India Nina Daddy underwater
Hong Kong

HK Swimming

Month 1 India learned to tread water, Nina would not put her head under water. Month 2 India swimming across the pool, Nina was jumping in with wings. Month 3 India was diving to the bottom for rings and Nina said “I’m SWIMMING!”

Our Journey, Sailing Greece

Ikaria to Donousa

May 28 2022 After a nice sail and lots of funny faces in the cockpit, we found ourselves in a big remote bay on the island of Donousa. With the sun out, anchor down, and the girls ready with their…

Sailing Greece

Chios to Ikaria

May 23 2022 Wind is coming…ready…set…SAIL! We were getting ready for our longest sail yet. HAHA not very far but longest for us and we could see the island destination. So off we went. No idea what Ikaria held for…
