May 28 2022
After a nice sail and lots of funny faces in the cockpit, we found ourselves in a big remote bay on the island of Donousa. With the sun out, anchor down, and the girls ready with their beach toys, we have achieved our goal again…in search of a beach!

Yay dad. Lets find the beach!

A big empty bay like this, with 10 meters of water and sand bottom is an absolute cruisers paradise. no worry about where to anchor, if there is enough room, or will you need to worry about anyone else anchored close! We sailed in an only needed the motor for mere meters before dropping the anchor.
Off to the Beach!
There was no problem here finding a place to park the dinghy or layout a towel or two. Summer time on a Greek island with my little girls splashing in the warm water is a dream come true. We made sure we did the slip slop slap to deal with the sun and off into the water we went.

As with every other beach trip, there comes a time when it has to end:( The sun gets lower and the stomachs start growling so we pack up our toys and head back to the boat. Having Karin and Nea as crew on board was amazing. They were always excited for all aspects of the day. Learning sailing during the day on the water, or building sand castles on the beach, or homeschooling at the table with the girls, or cooking dinner, they always raised happiness from the girls and appreciation from their captain!
Nea was not only a seasoned biologist, but more importantly a calm and patient deck artist! When Karin the artist was busy cooking Nea was always there to help smile and learn with India and Nina.

Making dinner with the girls was not only fun, but was usually funny! There are always endless laughs and smiles. Nina has an natural way to bring out smiles and laughs in people.