Monthly Archives

April 2023

INDININI on the Chios town quay
Our Journey, Sailing Greece

Life In Chios

April-May 2022 Chios itself is a relatively big Greek Island. Good thing because we were here for quite a while! It was time to live onboard tied up to the Chios town quay. The port is a stop for big…

Our Journey, Sailing

Chios to Inousses

After almost 6 weeks on the town quay in Chios, it was time to make a change. As sailors know, the wind and weather sometimes dictate where you can easily go. We wanted to move, we wanted a change so…


To make sailboat rudders from scratch

Summary Let me do the learning for you;) If you have any question or hesitation about making vs buying…then its really easy…call Jefa and have them make rudders for you. Costs Item Cost USD* Rudder stocks 5000TL $833 Cost to…
