Today Road Trip Itinerary :
- Red Deer
- Jasper National Park
- Parker Ridge Trail
- Saskatchewan Glacier
- Wilcox Creek Campground
It takes us around 3 hours to drive from Red Deer to Jasper National Park. I feel cold even inside the van. Maybe the glacier is summoning us in certain way. The first thing that we do is to go hiking up Parker Ridge Trail to see the Saskatchewan Glacier. OMG! The 1st time in my life to see snow and not to mention glacier.
As soon as we arrive at the National Park, we start our 45-mins hiking. There are beautiful scenarios on both sides. I have seen concrete jungle with skyscrapers in my whole life but not as beautiful as this. It looks like that we have done Photoshop but IT IS REAL!
Throughout the whole trip, I do not apply any makeup esp. eyeliner, so sorry for being too much like a Chicken Little.
Hello Saskatchewan Glacier – The snow looks more like waterdrop or ice to me so I look very puzzled lol
After the hike, we settle at Wilcox Creek Campground for the night. We have a camp fire, some hot dogs and a few bottle of beers and then crawl into the bed. I can feel the cold from the snowy mountain and I feel like I sleep in the wild yet we stay inside the van. We wake up the next morning with ice freezing on the table and a “bear” face on the window of the van. The 1st night is not very great given the cold and no shower to me, but it is still something cool that I sleep in the wild possibly with bears at 0 degree Celsius =P