Finger 1 to finger 2. 22-June-2022. What an exciting time to sail to the second finger of the Peloponnese. It is always a journey spoken in topic around a table, and over a beer by sailors making the journey from the Agean to the Ionion or vice versa. Of course, the alternative is the excitement of traversing through the Corinth Canal at a cost. For INDININI this time it was all about sightseeing and hence our journey around the 3 fingers.
Keeping in mind that our mandate for INDININI was searching for sandy beaches, as dictated by India and Nina, and that Porto Kagio didn’t have much of this, it was a short visit. Nevertheless, it was a stop with points of interest that other stops didn’t have. As we got close to the entrance of Porto Kagio we encountered a freighter that we didn’t know was going to stop, or go or challenge us. The wind was blowing over 15 knots and we were moving along nicely and I figured the captain of the cargo ship was maybe a sailor at heart and just wanted to see us pass by. This is why he stopped the engines and just waited for us to pass. Either that or he was just ahead of schedule and just took a break while he went and grabbed a coffee.
We came into the bay sailing quickly in the 20+knots of wind. Where many sailors would have dropped the sails and motored into the bay, we didn’t rely on the electric motor and tested our sailing skills by waiting until the very last moment to drop the sails. I would say that the anchorage here, while ok, was not without its concerns. It was pretty deep and as we were motoring in circles to find a place to spend the night, one sailboat was in the process of re-anchoring after dragging. Always good to know if someone is having these problems because it reminds you to ensure you set the hook really good.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. It was Karin’s birthday today here in Porto Kaglio. After anchoring and securing the things that needed securing, we headed off to the shore. We were still buddy boating with Ardian & Marianna from Anthem and Phil and Lesley from Pasafique. We all met at one of the 2 restaurants and sat to enjoy a dinner together and celebrate Karin turning 26.

The next morning was a delight. We have all had those moments in life where you wake up and forget or wonder where you are. Well, this was one of those times, where after a fun-filled day of sailing the day before, we woke up in a new place and wondered where we were. Beauty and more, history all around us.
Of course, our little Nina had to put on a show while performing her morning exercises. She will certainly follow an artistic path in life, as she is always playing the clown and finding new ways to entertain.
Well as I said, there were no sandy beaches and combined with wind in the right direction we were off again to round the point. We headed for the cape all 3 racing with the next stop being Lemeni.