6 July 2022. We are off again. It was hard to say goodbye to Pilos but we knew it was time to get our move on. The only thing we knew about Katakolo was that it was far away. We did know there was a little island called Proti which was not too far away so lets plan on that as a stop. We sailed in the afternoon and just as the wind started to lessen, we reached Proti. Anthem who we had been sailing with was already anchored there. It was just the two of us for the night. It was a beautiful little place with such a remote feel yet complete safety because when you turn around you can see the mainland.

The next morning we set off in very light wind. We knew it was going to be a long day, but we knew we would get there. There wasnt much excitement along the way but in the late afternoon the wind did pickup the last few hours and we had a nice sunset sail.
Our sunset sail took us right into the anchorage. We dropped the sails and shortly after finding our parking place, dropped our anchor too. Off to sleep in excitement for the next day.
We pack up our stuff. Everyone with their backpacks and bags and into the dinghy. After a stroll and scooter down the dock, we found ourselves a place to sit and have our lunch. India and Nina always had their schoolwork games to do on their tablet while Dad did a bit of work.

The main town was just a short bus ride away so we got on a bus and checked out the town. Who doesn’t like a bus ride adventure? There was not much to see, but sometimes it does not matter where the bus goes…as long as it’s going and we are on it!

Karin always had so many smiles and laughs and the girls were never far away. Even waiting for the bus on a hot day, she would find fun and happy ways to entertain.
What we didn’t know about Katakolo was how close it is to Olympia. The Olympia of the first Olympics. How exciting. Lets go! We rented a car and off we went. It took about an hour to get there.

The original Olympia grounds are next to a small town so we went and had some breakfast before heading into the grounds. It is truly amazing to experience history in this way rather than reading it in a school book. Before heading out into the old ruins of Olympia, we went through the small museum to see crazy big marble and stone carvings like this…

This is where it all began. This flat section is attributed to the location where races were run. India and Nina got to have a running race on these grounds. They made history themselves. I cant wait to talk about this experience when they are grown-ups.
And what is a completed race without being crowned? Karin used her artistic nature and creativity to take olive branches to make both girls’ crowns.

While walking around the Olympic grounds we met another family that were driving around Greece. The kids had so much fun togeher that we walked into town and had dinner together. It’s always fun meeting people!

Another amazing day in our Greece adventure. Thank you, Olympia, you didn’t disappoint.