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Our Journey, Sailing Greece

Ikaria to Donousa

May 28 2022 After a nice sail and lots of funny faces in the cockpit, we found ourselves in a big remote bay on the island of Donousa. With the sun out, anchor down, and the girls ready with their…

Sailing Greece

Chios to Ikaria

May 23 2022 Wind is coming…ready…set…SAIL! We were getting ready for our longest sail yet. HAHA not very far but longest for us and we could see the island destination. So off we went. No idea what Ikaria held for…

India, Nina and Karin on South Chios beach
Our Journey, Sailing Greece

Inousses to Chios

May 2022. Well here is something we didn’t do very often…sail back the same direction we came. Inousses was north of Chios town and we sailed north for a couple of reasons. After the long period being tied up on…

Our Journey, Sailing Greece

Road trip around Chios

April 2022 A boat for adventure on the water and a rental car for adventure on land! We were not quite ready to head out from Chios Island so after a few weeks on the town quay it was time…

INDININI on the Chios town quay
Our Journey, Sailing Greece

Life In Chios

April-May 2022 Chios itself is a relatively big Greek Island. Good thing because we were here for quite a while! It was time to live onboard tied up to the Chios town quay. The port is a stop for big…

Our Journey, Sailing

Chios to Inousses

After almost 6 weeks on the town quay in Chios, it was time to make a change. As sailors know, the wind and weather sometimes dictate where you can easily go. We wanted to move, we wanted a change so…


To make sailboat rudders from scratch

Summary Let me do the learning for you;) If you have any question or hesitation about making vs buying…then its really easy…call Jefa and have them make rudders for you. Costs Item Cost USD* Rudder stocks 5000TL $833 Cost to…


Power RPM Speed

***NOTE: This page will be a work in progress. It took many months to find the time and piece all the necessary components together in order to get these 3 variables plotted together on a chart. The only one missing…
